How Often Can You Cheat on Paleo Diet

Top 10 Diets Review

Diets come, and diets go, but some diets are better than others. How can you tell which one would be perfect (and perfectly safe) for you?

We are going to spell out the top diet trends of 2020 and rate them, so you can pick just the right plan for you and drop those pesky extra pounds!

Rank Diet Rating
1 Weight Watchers MyWW Details
2 Low Carb Diet Details
3 Meal Prep Details
4 21 Day Fix Diet Details
5 Atkins 40 Details
6 Mediterranean Diet Details
7 Keto Diet Details
8 Paleo Diet Details
9 Flexitarian Diet Details
10 Dukan Diet Details

Top 10 Diets Analysis


Weight Watchers MyWW

Ranked #1 - Weight Watchers MyWW

The new myWW program from WW (Weight Watchers) has three separate diet plan options to choose from. Each of these three plans gives you a budget of SmartPoints you can spend on your daily food and drink consumption as well as a list of zero points foods.

Depending on which plan you choose, you'll either have a roughly 100, 200, or 300 item list of zero points foods coupled with a corresponding SmartPoints budget designed around your goals, current weight, activity level, etc.

The goal behind myWW is to find balance for you and your life. The proprietary algorithm that calculates your points budget makes calorie counting and macronutrient regulation simpler and easier.

For those that find success by tracking food, myWW can be a great way to ensure you're feeding your body well while still allowing for life's simple pleasure found in the occasional indulgence. WW is also notable for their large and supportive community of users and coaches that every plan comes with.

Short Term effectiveness

Most people find that they need to "get the hang" of using points and making smart food choices so they aren't hungry.

Long Term effectiveness

Those who stick with the program, however, often lose the weight they want to in a reasonable amount of time.

Ease of use

Like counting calories, Weight Watchers has you count points instead, which can be a bit tiresome, but isn't difficult.


The cost of membership can be fairly pricey, although some people have found a way to cut costs by signing up for the shortest membership possible, learning from it, then cancelling and simply repeating what they have already been doing.


Since you make your own meals (unless you choose frozen meals) if they don't taste good, you simply need to find a different recipe.


When clients use their points wisely, most people say that they always feel full and satisfied.


Weight Watchers allows all you can eat vegetables, lots of fruit, and a balanced diet.

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Low Carb Diet

Ranked #2 - Low Carb Diet

As the name implies, low carb diets limit the number of carbohydrates you consume. There is a wide variety of low carb diet options ranging quite significantly in their restriction of carbohydrates. First of all, carbohydrates are any food source whose dominant energy source is sugar. This can be grains, fruits, vegetables, sweets, etc.

Typically, restricting carbohydrates is going to focus on limiting or eliminating consumption of simple carbohydrates (sugars) and starchy carbohydrates like pastas, breads, potatoes, etc.

Often a reasonable choice for those looking to lose weight, low carb diets can also help significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.

Whether you are looking into the Keto diet (the most carb restrictive) or simply looking to reduce your carb intake modestly, going low carb has proven itself time and time again as a successful tool in weight loss and promotion of an overall healthier lifestyle.

Short Term effectiveness

Almost everyone will lose weight on this plan as the body loses water in the first few days/weeks. While some people find that the lack of exact calorie or carb limits is liberating, others might find that this diminishes their weight loss efforts.

Long Term effectiveness

This plan can be continued indefinitely to maintain a healthy weight, or to drop pounds as they begin to appear.

Ease of use

With no special foods or equipment to buy and thousands of online support groups and recipes, this is a very easy diet to use. Counting carbs becomes second nature within a few weeks.


While there are no special foods, some find a small cost increase with the purchase of organic vegetables and meats, but this is offset by the savings from no longer buying sodas and fast foods.


Replacing bread and pasta with meat and protein means you are sure to find foods you love.


This is one of the most satisfying diets around, since the focus is on fat and protein, which is what makes people feel full and satisfied with their food. The sugar addiction is difficult to break, as it is with any diet, but it passes after a few days.


This can be a super healthy diet, provided people don't rely on a great deal of processed "low carb" foods.

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Meal Prep

Ranked #3 - Meal Prep

For some people, the biggest pitfall in their attempts to eat healthier stems from being too busy to regularly prepare healthy meals. Because of this, you fall back on quick, unhealthy, and expensive ways to keep your energy up like fast food, coffee shop stops, and vending machine visits.

With meal prep, the goal is to eliminate the need for these last-minute pit-stops by taking one or two hours out of your week to prep the entire week's worth of meals and snacks necessary.

For example, on a Sunday afternoon you could chop veggies, fruits, and cheese and portion them out with some nuts, seeds, yogurts, etc. Additionally, you can prepare either one large meal that can be portioned to last the week or prepare several different varieties of meals using the same or similar ingredients.

Brown rice bowls with various toppings or hearty vegetable stews come to mind. This process not only saves you big bucks but big calories as you avoid eating out and grabbing quick unhealthy snacks.

Short Term effectiveness

Usually works for most people in the short run as you are motivated and find the entire process interesting and new.

Long Term effectiveness

For those who stick with the plan, this slow but steady weight loss plan is amazingly effective.

Ease of use

It takes some time for most people to learn how to shop and cook several meals at the same time.


Besides saving time, most people rave about how much money they save by not eating out, not impulse buying, and not wasting food.


Since you can make anything you like that suits your tastes, the majority of people find this diet easy to follow however, some might find eating the same meal several days in a row boring.


If meals are planned properly (which means including protein and a high fiber vegetable) people state that they feel very satisfied after their meal.


Meal prep is based around a healthy diet, mainly protein and vegetables, which makes this a good choice as far as health goes. You know the exact ingredients and if you don't cheat, you should be eating healthy meals at least 4 days per week.

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The 21 Day Fix Diet

Ranked #4 - The 21 Day Fix Diet

This very popular diet is based on portion control and the use of containers to ensure a healthy balance is being maintained between carbs, protein, and fats. For those who want plenty of energy and love exercising, this might be the perfect choice for you!

This plan uses 6 color coded containers that are filled each day to control portions and, therefore, calories. A shake container is also used for smoothies. Veggies and fruit containers are the largest, with protein and carbs a bit smaller, then healthy fats and, lastly, a very small container for oils and seeds. People who hate counting calories, weighing food, or counting carbs find this "no brainer" plan very appealing.

Short Term effectiveness

This plan is very effective when it comes to losing weight because portion control and calories are carefully controlled if the containers are used.

Long Term effectiveness

While the plan can be repeated if necessary, many people tire of using the containers.

Ease of use

Although this diet takes all the measuring and weighing out of the picture, most people become find the containers bothersome after a while. Also, the containers need to be used properly and they can be confusing to some people.


The price of containers can be reasonable (about $8) but the plan does call for some exercise equipment or the use of gym, which can be pricey.


While there is an extensive list of foods available for each colored container, some people might find that they miss their favorites if they aren't included on the list.


Some people find that they are hungry on this diet since it does limit your caloric intake.


This is a very sensible, balanced plan that includes moderate levels of exercise, both of which are a healthy way to lose weight naturally.

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Atkins 40

Ranked #5 - Atkins 40

While not as popular as the Keto diet, this low carb plan has a lot going for it. This is a moderate protein, moderate fat, low carb diet plan that limits carbohydrate consumption to 40 grams or less each day. This is similar the old Atkins Diet, which only allowed for 20 grams of carbs.

This plan is designed for those who have less than 40 pounds to lose but has been proven to work well even for those with more to lose. This is the diet Kim Kardashian used to lose 70 pounds after the birth of her baby. The diet limits you to 40 grams of net carbs and the food list is almost unlimited, making this diet extremely popular.

Atkins 40 is a low carb diet. A recent long-term study found that people who ate fewer carbs burned more calories overall. This appears to allow people to maintain their weight loss over a longer period of time.

Short Term effectiveness

This is one of the big selling points of this diet, as most people start losing weight from the first day. The body starts by losing water, then it starts burning fat for fuel.

Long Term effectiveness

As you become closer to your goal weight, the number of carbs is slowly increased. This makes it easy to stay on this plan, although some people lose interest.

Ease of use

Some people find the 4 stages difficult to keep up with or they lose track of the days, but most people can follow this plan without trouble.


While there are no special foods to buy, many people opt for the Atkin's food, which can be costly, especially if purchased directly from the site.


If you don't consume the Atkins products, you eat the foods you normally consume, so other than eating less of high carb foods, very little changes.


Most people have trouble beating their sugar addiction, but since this plan balances fat and protein, most people find that they aren't hungry.


This plan encourages protein consumption, which can be too much for some people to deal with. The Atkins bars are popular, but are processed foods, which should be avoided.

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Mediterranean Diet

Ranked #6 - The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is an eating style based on the traditional cuisine of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. While there is no single definition of the Mediterranean diet, the general idea is to consume a diet that is full of foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, fish, and olive oil.

A simple breakdown of what to expect from eating the Mediterranean Diet:

  • Daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats
  • Weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans and eggs
  • Moderate portions of dairy products
  • Limited intake of red meat

While not a requirement for success, it is worth noting that other elements of the Mediterranean diet involve sharing meals with family and friends, enjoying a glass of red wine and being physically active.

Overall, the Mediterranean Diet is aimed at being a lifestyle rather than a true diet. Perhaps imagining yourself gazing at the sea on the Amalfi coast doesn't hurt.

Short Term effectiveness

Studies have found that this diet works for weight loss when people follow portion control.

Long Term effectiveness

Numerous studies have found that people lose weight and keep it off when following this diet plan, even when it is followed for years.

Ease of use

This diet can be difficult for many people as there are no guidelines as to how many calories you can consume. The consumer will need to figure out calories and portions for themselves.


Since most of this diet relies on fish, olive oil, and fresh vegetables, it can be fairly pricey, when compared to junk foods.


There is no denying, however, that this diet tastes pretty darn good, especially if you love to cook with spices and love seafood.


This diet features lots of whole grains and produce that is full of fiber, not to mention tasty olive oil based dishes. Most people find this diet very, very satisfying.


Besides losing weight, this diet plan can help to prevent many diseases, especially heart disease.

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Keto Diet

Ranked #7 - Keto Diet

Sometimes referred to simply as The Keto Diet, this eating plan is becoming more popular by the day. Essentially, it is a very low carb diet, but its focus is more on high fat than on protein.

Like the Atkins diet, the Ketogenic diet, sometimes called the Keto Plan, focuses on putting the body into a natural state of ketosis, where the body begins burning fat for fuel, rather than the carbs you consume. Unlike the Atkins diet, this is a very low carb plan, calling for only 20 grams per day, but with its high fat and moderate protein levels, most people become addicted to how great this diet makes them feel.

Short Term effectiveness

This plan is extremely effective, as consuming 20 grams of carbs will have almost everyone losing weight from day one.

Long Term effectiveness

As with any restrictive diet, people become bored or feel that they are missing out on their favorite foods. There are no real calorie restrictions, so while difficult, cause some people to eat more than they should, preventing weight loss.

Ease of use

Fairly easy. Carb counters are available everywhere and counting 20 grams doesn't take long!


While there are no special foods or containers to buy, the cost of organic meat and vegetables can be expensive, although this is outweighed by the lack of bread, pasta, sodas, etc.


For those who love meat, eggs, and fats such as cheese and nuts, this diet gets high ratings. If you aren't a fan of meat, this diet is not for you.


Moderate levels of protein and high fat consumption makes gives this diet a 5 out of 5-star rating, since these are what make people feel truly satisfied with their meals.


While some processed foods are allowed, overall, this diet gets high ratings from health experts as it has numerous health benefits, such as lower blood pressure, fights cancer, and reduces blood sugar levels.

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The Paleo Diet

Ranked #8 - The Paleo Diet

The idea behind the Paleo Diet is that, by eating the way our ancestors (think caveman ancestors) did, we will not only lose weight, but have better health overall. Sometimes called the Stone-Age diet, this plan eliminates processed foods and gains, along with very limited amounts of fruits and other foods that cave men would not have had access to, such as dairy products, beans, potatoes, and coffee. There are multiple support groups for advice, not to mention thousands of online recipes.

While no one is quite sure if our ancestors in Paleolithic times ate wild grains or legumes, the thought here is that our digestive system has not changed that much over thousands of years, which is why we gain weight and are plagued by obesity related disease.

Short Term effectiveness

Many people are enthusiastic about going "cave man style", especially after losing some initial weight.

Long Term effectiveness

Unfortunately, most people find it very difficult to go without seemingly basic items, such as salt, bread, and alcohol. People often get bored or tired of the difficulty of this plan and cheat frequently or stop using it altogether.

Ease of use

Meals can generally be planned in advance, since they are cooked at home from scratch. Some people find this very inconvenient, however.


There are no denying that organic and grass-fed meats, along with organic everything will cost more than processed foods.


Since you can cook your meat and veggies almost any way you like, most people are satisfied with the way their food tastes.


This plan allows you to eat quite a bit and since it includes quite a bit of fat, most people find that this diet really satisfies.


Since this eating plan cuts out entire food groups, it generally gets the thumbs down from health experts. While eating less processed foods and sugar is a good thing, most people get cravings for the very things that are outlawed on this diet.

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Flexitarian Diet

Ranked #9 - Flexitarian Diet

The Flexitarian Diet is essentially a way for you to reap the benefits of vegetarianism or veganism without strictly cutting out animal products. The concept is simple: in most ways, focus on plant based foods but allow for animal product consumption in moderation.

The basic model of the Flexitarian Diet is as follows:

  • Eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  • Focus on protein from plants instead of animals.
  • Be flexible and incorporate meat and animal products from time to time.
  • Eat the least processed, most natural forms of food.
  • Limit added sugar and sweets.

This diet can be attractive to those who aren't big meat eaters anyway. For example, if you find yourself saying, "I could be vegetarian except I love bacon" or, "I would try veganism but I can't live without cheese!" you might find solace in flexitarianism.

Short Term effectiveness

While most people find the diet easy to follow, the elimination of sugar, fast foods, and junk foods make it difficult for some to get started.

Long Term effectiveness

While research has shown that vegetarians tend to weigh less due to a diet that consists mainly of vegetables, some people find it difficult to stick to this plan, even with the occasional burger splurge.

Ease of use

For those who are accustomed to eating meat at nearly every meal or for those who have delicate digestive systems, the vegetable stream can be difficult. It is an easy plan to follow, however, since it isn't as strict as a vegan or pure vegetarian diet.


This diet could cost more if you plan on buying a great deal of pricey organic fruits and veggies, but if you are cutting back on meat, you could also save money.


Let's face it, you need to get fairly creative to subsist on vegetables every meal.


Since you can eat almost as many vegetables as you want, this super high fiber diet will keep you full.


Numerous studies have touted that a mainly plant based diet is great for reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. Even eating the occasional steak won't hurt you in the long run if you stick to the plan.

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Dukan Diet

Ranked #8 - The Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet plan is a fairly new approach to losing weight quickly and keeping it off. Kate Middleton used this diet before her royal wedding to Prince William to look slender and wow the crowds in her wedding gown.

How does this plan differ from others?

Basically, the plan has 4 stages.

Stage one is the first 10 days, which includes a high protein diet and oat bran.

Stage two is called the "Cruise" phase and it can last for months. At this time, you eat tons of veggies and more oat bran.

Stage three is called "Consolidation". It lasts for 5 days for every pound lost and is also a high protein, low carb approach.

The final stage is an ongoing stage where you follow the Stage One rules one day each week.

This plan is regimented, but many people say that it works like nothing else.

Short Term effectiveness

Like many low carb diets, people lose weight very quickly over the short term, especially during phase 1 as calories are restricted.

Long Term effectiveness

Although you can eat all you want of some foods, many people quickly become bored with the limited selection. The diet is strict. Not suggested to be adopted for long term.

Ease of use

The Dukan diet has a great many rules and long list of foods you can't eat. When switching from phase to phase, it can be easy to forget which foods you can't eat.


This can be a rather costly diet plan as it relies heavily on meats and fresh produce, which is far more expensive than carbs, such as bread.


Most people find that the foods allowed taste good, but the limited selection is the problem.


The diet allows you to eat all you want (of certain foods) so no one will ever go hungry on this dietand in 2018, about 100 allowed foods were added to the diet plan. Bored, yes, hungry, no.


Staying on a high protein diet for the long haul often causes problems such as nutritional deficiencies and health problems.

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How Often Can You Cheat on Paleo Diet


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